Hi and welcome to my tetrinet page!This page contains all you need to know to become a TetriNET master!This includes Themes, strategies, Downloads, FAQ's and lots more!This page is viewed best withe the font Trebuchet MS so if you dont have it don't have it you can download it here.
If you have been wondering about this tetrinet2 stuff then don't worry because i am goiing to put up a section on it soon including screenshots! is quite awesome.
I am going to keep this page simple with not much javascript for ancient browsers. Please email me to tell me some things you'd like to see on this page and don't forget to sign the guestbook.
So..., On with the show!

What is tetrinet?

Servers-What do I connect to?

Clans-some tetrinet teams!


Strategies-written by Thief & Soapie

Links-Some other tetrinet pages!

How do i get my name in colour?


FAQ about TetriNET!

Contact me.